Men are all the same. Pigs.
We have to differentiate between people who like vanilla and african-american ice cream. I even heard that there are people who don’t fancy ice cream. But they enjoy a blow job, every now and then.
There are differences between how people open a banana, like some people open a banana from the top, others from the other part. Monkeys open the banana from the latter part, that way they don’t eat the nasty black thing on the tip of the banana.
People come from different places. Romanians, while at a table in a restaurant, if someone starts to drill and do construction work near them, nobody bothers. It’s normal.
Some people decide that from a certain day, they have to be mature. So they get their mature clothes and walk around all mature and tell other people that they can’t talk to them like that, who are they to talk like that?
Someone once said about Romania that we are a country that cannot be ruled, as when you go to a village, you don’t see two houses that look the same or have the same color.
What is the difference between a mac and a pc, or a mc and a kfc?
I just read now about a colleague of mine who went to Stanford and now is going to Harvard for his masters. I am thinking only about the places he’s been and visited and lived in and the people how he met and the context he had put himself in as to be in the above mentioned situations. I wouldn’t have done the things he has. Like study politics or study. I guess the difference between me an him is that i don’t want to do the job, only to get the benefits, like sperm.
Public bathrooms were always weird places for me. Like in a public shower, can’t i fart? Why not? I am naked, it’s not like farting will bring me to a lower level of morality or decency. I am naked. Or farting when on the toilet. The position that a person has on a toilet is the most vulnerable of all positions a human can be found in. Farting. Rotten food is coming out of your body. A little bit of smelly air is not that bad. Is it? The thing is that some people, including me, when in a public bathroom hearing loud grunts and farts coming from a stall will start laughing and i, for one, will wait to see who it was so i could tell people about the funny thing in the bathroom. It that kind of behaviour inapropriate? It’s natural... crap and gas...but it’s funny at the same time.